About Us

Sparky’s was born out of the need to build a distribution house that is based on carrying and promoting the high-end BMX lifestyle.
Sparky’s was one of the first rider-owned distribution houses in the late ’90s and our staff lives and breathes BMX and with 80 years of a combined experience.
This focus on the BMX market guarantees that Sparky’s has the knowledge that will help you make the right choices for your shop.
Sparky’s also ensures your experience with us not only results in fast-selling, high-margin products but also creates a positive affiliation between your business and the Sparky’s Crew.
Our promise is to work at setting the best industry standards so riders, retailers, and suppliers benefit from a strong BMX industry.

From it’s cryptic beginnings at Roots 2002, Shadow has stood the test of time and proven itself to be one of the best and most original brands in BMX. We have kept the same ideals from 2002, but continue to push BMX with our innovative line of parts. Our original Interlock half-link chains proves our commitment to be on the forefront of BMX tech and our commitment to the Shadow Supreme Standard.
Extend the ride… that’s what the Shadow Riding Gear line is all about. With this in mind, we focused on creating gear that can keep you going after a crash or give you the confidence to take that next step in progression. Hit up the big lines and rip that next run with confidence. Though our roots are in BMX, Shadow Riding Gear has proven to hold up to Mountain Biking, BMX Racing, and beyond.

Here for a good time and making quality BMX parts along the way.
RANT takes all the nostalgic vibes of the ’90s and brings them back to life. No reason to take BMX too serious because RANT don’t care! Now get out and ride because all we want is MORE SHRED!

Subrosa- suhb roh-zuh: Meaning under the rose. Throughout history a rose hanging overhead was a symbol of secrecy and brotherhood. Whatever was spoken under a rose was to remain secret, sacred and subrosa. Our icon hangs high above our team and our fans.
The goal of the brand is, and always has been, to create complete bikes and products that are affordable, reliable, and have an attention to detail that make each piece high quality and hard to duplicate by other brands.
Throughout the years Subrosa has introduced new products and entire categories to expand what BMX can off the world in an effort to always give back to our fans, supporters, and future riders. Subrosa knows that we can represent BMX in a way that will draw people in and bring a positive accurate awareness to BMX.
The team has expanded throughout our history but has never been about the flavor of the month. We have riders in all disciplines, and styles. Creativity, unique style and being down with all of our fans is what the Subrosa team is about.